Plum Creek Art Center is the perfect place to get your art groove on! Explore your creativity by signing up for our classes. No experience necessary! Check out our Upcoming Events page for more information.
A picture of our 1st community project is below!
Stay tuned for more information & pictures of our 2nd community project.
Plus updates on the facade of the building.
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ARTSCOOL is 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm on Monday's
Beginning on June 3, 2024 Summer hours for ArtScool changes to 1-2pm on Monday's
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ART SUPPLIES FOR THE KID (in all of us!)

We have new products!
Come in and visit us.
Our first exhibit for the new year, 2025, will be held on February 16, 2025, from 1-4pm at the Art Center.
The featured artist is Teresa Schmitt of Lawler, IA.
We would love to have you join us, meet Teresa, browse her works of art, and enjoy a snack or two.
ArtsCool Exhibit
January 2024 to March 2024
During the last year, the boys & girls that have attended ArtsCool were extremely busy. They learned about the painting and drawing techniques of several famous artists, like Peter Diem. Some of those techniques used different mediums and taught the students what properties each medium, such as chalk, paint, crayons, to show the students what or how their projects would display to themselves and others. To celebrate their achievements, the Art Center held an exhibit displaying their talents and finished projects. A couple of students did a demonstration with paint and marbles to show family and friends how they accomplished one of their classes that was displayed.

North East Iowa Region 3 Juried Art Show 2024
On April 13th the Plum Creek Art Center/Connie Mohr Gallery hosted the NE Iowa Region 3 juried art show. There were 20 artists with 49 art pieces presented. Their judge was David Kamm, a retired art professor from Luther College in Decorah, IA. Professor Kamm judged and critiqued the art pieces by placing them in the catagories of blue, red, white, and honorable mention. Additionally, there was a "Peoples Choice" selection by the attendees: artists and the public. The blue ribbon winners will advance to the state show on April 27, in Newton, IA at the Newton Arboretum and Botanical Gardens.

Blue Ribbon Winners

Red Ribbon Winners

White Ribbon Winners

Honorable Mention Winners

People's Choice
"Sandhill Crane"
Hard at work at the Stained Glass Flower Class -
Instructor Shari Harbert

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Thank you for taking Amber's watercolor class here at
Plum Creek Art. We hope that you will join us again!!
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Look who appeared at several local parades this summer!! Thank you to all who helped make this possible!!
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Coming Soon - keep watching for new classes to be added under upcoming events! Our events are listed on Facebook at Plum Creek Art Center or under Plum Creek Art Classes
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Ruford Book Signing
by the author & illustrator of "Ruford Visits the Farm"
Susan Lienau has released her sequel "Ruford Visits the Northwoods"
Do you remember Ruford when he was just a few months old?

Ruford has grown up and is adventurous, he wants to see more of the world!

Susan was at Plum Creek Art Center/Connie Mohr Gallery on
August 19, 2023 to sign copies of the Ruford
books you have purchased.
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Northeast Iowa Art Quilters Exhibit 2023

On August 6th, 2023 the Plum Creek Art Center/Connie Mohr Gallery hosted an artist reception for the Northeast Iowa Art Quilters. This is a quilters group that "LOVE" art in different dimensions. Their exhibit expresses their unique ideas, thoughts, colors and textures to show others that art is as unique as each of us.
The 5 members: Cheryl Mulder & Elaine Westin are from Fredericksburg; Marty Berda, Elgin: Mary Jean Blaisdell, Independence; and Maud Bentley, Rowley.
To see additional works of art by these quilters you can go to:
This exhibit was on display until September 17,2023.
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Fredericksburg Painting Artists
Walking into the classroom of the Art Center one day, I expressed that our exhibit area was bare, no color on the walls. Someone thought of the paintings at Upham Memorial Library. We asked the current librarian, Jackie Kush, if we could borrow the paintings for a few months until our next exhibit was ready to display, and she said gladly. So here we are......with some more facts about the painters of Fredericksburg.
Many residents didn't or don't know of our "artistic" background. Plum Creek Art Center/Connie Mohr Gallery was the brainchild of one of the 'Five' Fredericksburg artists, Connie Mohr. Connie was the leader of a group of painters who would get together and share their life stories of the past week(s) and cry or laugh about these stories as they were told. Yet, there were more 'painters' than just the original five ladies.
On exhibit, till the end of December 2023 will be paintings from 'Fredericksburg's Five' plus additional artists that live or have lived in our quiet little town. The Plum Creek Art Council would like to invite you to come and see additional paintings from other artists in Fredericksburg. You just might be surprised to find out who are these other 'painters', as students, teachers, housewives, ministers, etc.

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The Railroad Sculpture by Dale Merrill is on display in Fredericksburg's 'Railroad Park' on the west end of Main Street, before the railroad bump.
We are planning a dedication ceremony for early May 2025.
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Mural ... come to Fredericksburg and check out our Mural ... It is AMAZING!!!!
Painted by Dan Hatala and Dave Prehm
you can find the Mural on the east side of Westy's Hardware Hank building at the Corner of Main Street (US Hwy 18) and North Washington Avenue

The facade of Plum Creek Art Center/Connie Mohr Gallery is scheduled for an updated look in 2025. Some of the basics are done, the siding has been taken down and the bricks have been tuck pointed. If 'Mother Nature' is kind to us, we will have 3 new arched windows (just like the old bank) and the brick will have a mural painted on it. I'm going to keep you in suspense as to 'what' the mural will look like, but a clue is, "It has fruit in it."